_ÆNTROPY is an adventure-RPG game where we alternate between phases of exploration in 3D (in an abandoned Mega-structure) and phases of gameplays of many different genres in 2D Pixel Art (in instances called Simulations). All of this is supported by a customization overlay typical of RPGs that serves as a link to all the different experiences the player goes through.
The game has been thought to be complementary with the manga _EXISTΔNCE, is therefore part of the same universe and mixes the same themes (the search for identity, the essence of our existence and its possible transcendence, or the meaning of death, destiny and reality itself : does it really exist? Isn't it just a simulation or an illusion created by my sick mind?).
We embody the copy of a human soul with amnesia who has managed to escape from a simulation and who finds himself lost in a gigantic mega-structural (lost in the immensity of space) housing an infinity of simulation like that of our protagonist. Determined, he will try to find out what is behind all this enterprise...
GDD on the exploration gameplay in the mega-structure: https://docdro.id/egovyH6
GDD of the different gameplay in the simulations : Coming Soon
Game Screen one of the simulations (E10-N410D) :